Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Here's looking at you kid

Some more items for the con. EYEBALLS in four colors.  Now I am going to try and make some more skel-o-Bunbun.  Or maybe Skelton pandas? 

I really need to get a hook slip that makes it hurt my thumb less or not at all that I could slip on and off hooks because I have to many small that I love to crochet with they move threw the yarn well, but they hurt my thumb.

I might actually show up at the con if my husband gets time off from his slave driving bosses.  He has a press pass and said he would get me a day pass if he could get off work for it.


  1. I love the eyes! :)

    While reading about your sore thumb, I realised that the pack of 10 Comfort Grips I've ordered from Red Heart, might be the right thing for you, too?

    I live in the UK, so have to order by post, but maybe you've got something closer to you? :)

    1. Thanks!

      Those might be exactly what I need I looked for some when I was at the craft store just now but they didn't have any. Let me know how they work for you and I might just order them online!
