I have finaly gotten the yarn needed to serously start working on my circle vest which now has a formal name the BoHo Lily Spiral Vest.
I am using yarn from Lion Brand, its one of there new yarns. Shawl In A Ball in the colorway Healing Teal(204). I am really loving the color as it is working up, its a thinner yarn but with a fuzzy halo that bumps it up to a medium/ww, comes in skeins of 518 yd (150g) its a light cotton blend (58% cotton/39% acrylic/3% other fiber) and it has a crimp texture to it.
To help relax my wrist between boughts of crocheting and pattern writing or rewriting (as I find I am doing alot) I decided to pick up a new fiber hobby that will be less strainful.
So I stopped and picked up some plastic canvas, and a needlepoint needle set. I am making everything up as I go, and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I just decided I want to try and make a container with it that looks like the Tardis. Since I have no idea what I am doing, I am not really fallowing a pattern- what I have done is open up MS Excel and graphed out what I wanted, so I settled on 20 by 40 square graph. I was watching StarvTrek TNG while making the first panel, and every time the iconic music used in the intro played I would sing in my head to the tune "I~~ do not know~~~ what I am doing~~~~ no not at all~~~~". I am having a lot of fun learning with this, the first panel I worked in rounds from the outside in, and it left the back looking like a train wreck so on the 2nd panel I am trying to work it from the bottom upwards. Its a bit tricky going this way since my 'pho paneling' is reversed on the right from the left so the start for each is on the outer edges I have been slipping my yarn along the back of the stitchs to prevent having to cut and rejoin multiple times.
I am hopping by the time I get to the last panel it will look clean and professional enough I can make that side my 'front' side. I think on the next one I am going to change up the center stitch as I am just not wild about how it looks on these two.
I would love any needle point advice anyone may have to share. As the song in my head goes, I do not know what I am doing, no not at all.

To help relax my wrist between boughts of crocheting and pattern writing or rewriting (as I find I am doing alot) I decided to pick up a new fiber hobby that will be less strainful.
So I stopped and picked up some plastic canvas, and a needlepoint needle set. I am making everything up as I go, and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. I just decided I want to try and make a container with it that looks like the Tardis. Since I have no idea what I am doing, I am not really fallowing a pattern- what I have done is open up MS Excel and graphed out what I wanted, so I settled on 20 by 40 square graph. I was watching StarvTrek TNG while making the first panel, and every time the iconic music used in the intro played I would sing in my head to the tune "I~~ do not know~~~ what I am doing~~~~ no not at all~~~~". I am having a lot of fun learning with this, the first panel I worked in rounds from the outside in, and it left the back looking like a train wreck so on the 2nd panel I am trying to work it from the bottom upwards. Its a bit tricky going this way since my 'pho paneling' is reversed on the right from the left so the start for each is on the outer edges I have been slipping my yarn along the back of the stitchs to prevent having to cut and rejoin multiple times.
I am hopping by the time I get to the last panel it will look clean and professional enough I can make that side my 'front' side. I think on the next one I am going to change up the center stitch as I am just not wild about how it looks on these two.
I would love any needle point advice anyone may have to share. As the song in my head goes, I do not know what I am doing, no not at all.
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