Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A yarn tail...

So a while back I had this idea to make some cheap almost free storage for my yarn.  I got a bunch of free 1ft cube boxes and make a 3 tall by 2 wide shelving out of them holding them together with some binder clips and a bit of tape.

It held up really well, and I guess I went over board with it because I added to it, taking it to 5 tall, 3 wide.

I came down into the basement the other evening to find it like that (see top photo).   Face down yarn everywhere.

I pulled the boxes back up right, hardly any of the yarn stayed in the boxes.  Just the box with my greens, and oddly the bulky purple and 2 skeins of blue.

I have taken the top two rows off hoping that will be enough so it will not fall over again.  I just need to find a new way to store my yarn and soonish.  Its that or decide if I need to start destashing -- which would be alot of stress because I can look at each  skein I own and give 3 projects I want to do with most of them.

I might be able to part easily with some of the short variegated skeins because its harder for me to get enthused about a yarn with colors that will pool and hide the design.  Maybe I could part with a box of chunky yarn as I dont use it unless commissioned or I have an idea that can only be done with chunky which is rare.

I realize as I am avoiding picking it all up I have a crap tone of blue and green shades of yarn.  Blue/Green is not my favorit color, gray is (right now) and I barely have 3 used skeins in gray.

So what is your favorite color, and go look at your yarn stash and see if it reflex it.


  1. I have quite a few boxes on top of our huge wardrone, in which I've stashed all my variagated yarns. I keep promising myself that i'll use them, but so many other projects come up that use plain coloured yarns, I still haven't got around to it :)
    As for my fave colour - it's got to be purple! But I'm using up most of what's in my stash at the moment, to make an afghan and bag set for a sweet young girl who is in a wheelchair, as she also loves purple! :)
    This will give me a good excuse to order some more though, so I'm not complaining :)

    1. =D I should work on trying to find a way to use up varigated yarns where it works with the design. But that means alot of math, and cluster stitch work I think.

      I hope she falls in love with your gifts!
