I chained 56 +3(turning chain)
R1- DC twice into the 4th chain from the hook twice (the chain 3 counts as a DC), *Dc 3 st, Dc decrease 3st twice, Dc 3 st, 3 DC inc twice* last part should end with Dc 3, then Inc3
R2- Chain 3 (counts as first DC), DC twice into the first st, *Dc 3 st, Dc decrease 3st twice, Dc 3 st, 3 DC inc twice* last part should end with Dc 3, then Inc3
Repeat Row 2 till its as long as you like, mine came out to be about 14 inches wide by 4ish feet. I just did a simple slip stitch binding to turn it into a tube. Might look better if I had switched colors each round so you can see in detail the waves, i just like the texture. I wish I had made it a bit bigger so I could have pulled it down over my shoulders a bit. If you make yours long enough you can twist it and double it up.
If you make one share your pic! I would love to see how creative everyone else is!!
The weather here in Missouri cant decide weather or not it wants to be nice out or have a foot of snow. The snow from last week just finished melting, and its about 68 out now so I expect it to snow again tomorrow so I might actully get to use it outside!
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