Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Beatles WIP... or is it?

I am not sure if this is how I am going to leave them. I have an idea for nose's but if I do that idea there will not be room for a mouth.  So the biggest questions weighing on my mind right now is to nose or not to nose, to mouth or not to mouth or go with it as is.  I have a ton of tiny details i want to do but multiplet it by 4 and I feel like its to much work and might make it look over worked.  My only other concern is do I need to put glasses on one of them?  And if so which one?!!?  Left to right who I tried to make them look like--- The guy who married the asain lady, the one I can never rember, Paul, Ringo.

Things I want to make but think will make them look even more bulky then they already are--
Ties,  betls, fingers and thumbs which I know would not turn out well, a guitar, bass, a mic and some sort of drum set with sticks, mouth, noses, ears.... I think I am goiong to stop my ramblings here.

What do you think, should I attempt nose's and mouths or just do one or the other or neither?

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